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5 – Community interest companies (CICs)

Moving forward, the option to form a Community Interest Company (CIC) or other legal entity across a cluster or pan cluster footprint to deliver services commissioned by the Pan Cluster Planning Group (PCPG) will be available for primary care providers.

This chapter sets out the key principles for the consideration and development of CICs, along with some templates you may wish to use.

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Cluster delivery vehicles

  1. Vision and Purpose
  2. Why consider a corporate entity?
  3. The choice of corporate entities
  4. Social Enterprises and Community Interest Companies (CIC)
  5. Factors to consider in deciding the choice of corporate entity
  6. Reality checks
  7. Pathway
  8. Getting the model right: A perspective from Red Kite Community Interest Company
  9. CIC Development Podcast - Red Kite CIC