Powys Teaching Health Board is responsible for improving the health and wellbeing of around 139,174 people living in Powys and for enabling the provision of high quality, effective healthcare services. There are 3 clusters within PTHB which work closely with 16 medical practices, 24 dental practices, 20 optometrists and 23 pharmacies.
Powys has made a distinction, since 2015 between clusters as planning mechanisms that span organisations, services and professions. Also there are GP networks as groups of general medical practitioners. This allows GP Practice issues and wider cluster planning issues to be discussed separately, but with one informed by the other.
All 3 Powys clusters have multi-disiplinary and multi-organisational membership including Health Board, County Council, Third Sector, Dentistry, Optometry and Community Pharmacy.
The Cluster milestones and actions align to the Health & Care Strategy for Powys which covers: