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Community Infrastructure (CI) Programme

Enabling people to live well, closer to home through prevention, choice, well-being, and independence.

The Community Infrastructure (CI) Toolkit is a collection of information, and resources, designed for anyone (inclusive of profession, area, or level of practice) supporting the delivery of place-based care, regardless of setting.

The principles of place-based care underpin all national Programme and Programme for Government. Key to this is collaborative multi-professional working, which delivers more effective seamless local care, essential to realising the future ambition of community-based health, care, and well-being in Wales.

Place-based care requires all partners and stakeholders to start with the holistic needs of individuals and of the local population, and then work together to support them. This will challenge some of the traditional boundaries between professionals and between services.

The CI toolkit will enable stakeholders to learn more about the CI Programme, its ambition and how it can support teams to deliver place-based care and provide wrap around services to enable people to live well at home. 

The toolkit is designed to:

  • Create efficiencies – by providing evidence-based guidance, examples of good practice, frameworks, and quality statements to support multi-professional working
  • Support the adoption of ‘Once for Wales’s best practice approach through the sharing of best practice guides and documents
  • Offer practical support and guidance to stakeholders using these resources to develop and improve practice
  • Offer a standardized way of measuring value and outcomes

The toolkit will remain live and be updated as and when key pieces of work are developed and shared.

How does this tool work?

Click to expand each grouped topic heading to reveal topic-specific content, which may include in-line synopses, direct signposting links, or links to further content on sub-pages (hyperlinks to be added as topic sub-pages become available bilingually). The toolkit will develop with the support of users; please provide feedback here.