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SPPC Fund 2022

2022 Schemes 

The £3.8 million Strategic Programme for Primary Care Fund (SPPC Fund) commenced in April 2022. The SPPC Fund replaces the Pacesetter/Pathfinder funding stream that was available to Health Boards across Wales from 2015-2022. 

The SFFC Fund will be used by Health Boards to support the implementation of the Accelerated Cluster Development Programme and investment into primary care schemes to address Obesity, aligned with the Healthy Weight Healthy Wales Strategy. These two investment areas: ACD and Obesity, were agreed by the Directors of Primary Care Peer Group and endorsed by the National Primary Care Board.

In February 2022, the National Primary Care Board endorsed a suite of 17 schemes: 7 ACD programme schemes and 10 schemes to address Obesity.  An overview of the schemes and links to the summary scheme information is contained in the table below.  A report outlining the benefits and outcomes that are anticipated from the obesity prevention projects can also be viewed here : SPPC Fund 2022-23 OP Projects - Benefits and Outcomes Paper

An Action Learning Group will be established to support problem solving and sharing of information for both the ACD programme and Obesity schemes.

Mid and end point monitoring and benefits realisation reports will be produced over the 2022/2024 period and reported through to the National Primary Care Board.

The mid-year progress report for year 1, 2022/23 can be viewed here: SPPC Fund mid year update.

The Interim report - Year One (2022/23) can be viewed here.

 The SPPC Fund 2022-24 End of programme report.

For more information on any of the schemes please contact the Strategic Programme Primary Care


Health Board

Title of Scheme

Description of Scheme

Accelerated Cluster Development

Aneurin Bevan UHB

Accelerated Cluster Development Hub

The aim of this project is to strengthen planning and deliver through Clusters (NCNs) with investment in an Accelerated Cluster Development programme.


ABUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Betsi Cadwalader UHB

Embedding and Maturing Accelerated Clusters across North Wales

It is recognised that partners will require additional support and resources to help them move forward with the ACD agenda, and implement Pan Cluster Planning Groups, and ensure the appropriate governance, leadership and systems are in place to provide a platform for integrated place-based working.  


BCUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Betsi Cadwalader UHB

Developing a (Digital) Systems Approach to Population Health Management

This proposal seeks to work with partners across primary care, community health, social care and public health, to agree the types of population data that is needed to support effective Cluster planning. Where that data is not currently being collected, or is not collected within the appropriate timescales, mechanisms will be developed to support its collection.


BCUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Cardiff and Vale UHB

ACD Infrastructure

To enhance the planning and delivery capabilities of collaboratives as part of the ACD programme. 


C&VUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Hywel Dda UHB

ACD Programme Support

The funding will be used to support Clinical Leadership and project management support to scoping, developing and implementing ACD within Hywel Dda. One session clinical lead time per week and full time 8a Manager support to deliver implementing the vision in Hywel Dda.


HDUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Powys Teaching HB

Accelerated Cluster Model Development

To strengthen the Cluster model of working across North and Mid Powys, with the objective of delivering a strategically clear, robust, proactive, and cohesive Cluster delivery model.


PTHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Swansea Bay UHB

ACD Development Programme

To implement Accelerated Cluster Development Programme across SBUHB.


SBUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals


Aneurin Bevan UHB

Weight Management Brief Advice and Self-Directed Support in Primary Care (Level 1)

The aim of this project is to ensure systematic provision of brief advice, signposting and access to self-directed support for achieving or maintaining a healthy weight (step-down).


ABUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Betsi Cadwalader UHB

Development of a Digital Program to Enable Virtual Group Pathways for people living with Type 2 Diabetes who are able to use weight loss as a treatment for their diabetes

Use this SPPC opportunity with the aim of securing investment to support the development and operation of an on-line learning space that enables ease of access, and optimal teaching support, plus facilities for people with diabetes who wish to lose weight using VLCD (initially, plus further development thereafter) to improve their long term health outcomes.


BCUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Cardiff and Vale UHB

Pre-Diabetes brief interventions at Cluster level

To provide brief intervention programme to patients identified as pre-diabetic by a trained support worker, supported by a dietitian.


C&VUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Cardiff and Vale UHB

Living Well

This Cluster based project will deliver Foodwise for Life and Escape Pain as well as other activity sessions to patients to support obesity management at a cluster level. This holistic approach across activity and diet support overweight and obesity management as part of the weight management pathway.


C&VUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Cardiff and Vale UHB

Get Cooking

Get Cooking is a 7 week practical cooking course for community members including carers. The sessions are run once a week for two hours each. All sessions involve hands-on cooking and some include activities about healthy eating and food safety. The sessions are a great opportunity to share tips on saving time and money and reducing food waste. Participants take a portion of what they make home each week to share with their family.


C&VUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposals

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB

Enhanced Inverse Care Law Programme

This proposed programme will focus on further developing, aligning and initially bringing together the following services so that the focus is on changing behaviours and reducing the prevalence of obesity and ensuring that the impact of any intervention is maximised. The four services to be included will be

  • Inverse Care Law Health Check Programme,
  • Prevention Health Checks for Patients with serious mental illness
  • The All Wales Weight Management service
  • Wellness Improvement Service &

Education Patient Programme (EPP)to deliver a self-management service

  • All Wales Pre-Diabetes Prevention

CTMUHB SPPC 2022 Fund Proposal

Hywel Dda UHB

Primary Care Led Healthy Lifestyle Management

The Amman Gwendraeth Cluster Lifestyle Clinic started in the latter part of 2018. The programme provides an intensive, group led lifestyle programme aimed at diabetes remission. The programme looks at all aspects of lifestyle including food, sleep, stress management and exercise with advice on habit formation. There are between 10 and 12 people in each group with each group running for 8 weeks. The programme is led by a local GP.


HDUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Hywel Dda UHB

Community Pharmacy Led Weight Management

Working with a commercial weight loss company to commission packages of 12 weeks support for patients who are identified by a Community Pharmacist as being diabetic and wanting to lose weight


HDUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Powys Teaching HB

Pre-Diabetes Early Intervention Programme

The Pre-Diabetes Early Intervention Programme follows the modelling of the All Wales Pre-Diabetic Prevention Programme (AWDPP) piloted by Afan Valley and North Ceredigion Clusters, the project aims to improve the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the South Powys population by supporting the introduction of a robust prevention and intervention pathway for patients who are or at risk of developing diabetes. 


PTHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals

Swansea Bay UHB

Diabetes Prevention Programme  

To deliver diabetes prevention interventions (AWDPP) in additional 3 Clusters in SBUHB.


SBUHB SPPC Fund 2022 Proposals