There are 14 Primary Care Clusters within the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) area.
Locality Pen Profiles
Locality Pen Profiles have been developed as part of the North Wales Regional Partnership Board's Community Services Transformation Programme, and are intended to support the development of place-based strategic planning and commissioning for health and care, across the region.
Based largely on GP cluster boundaries, locality Pen Profiles bring together data and insights from different agencies to build up a rounded picture of the needs and strengths of different communities at a very local, granular level. These insights are being used to help inform health and social care priorities for localities/clusters. This data will also be used on an ongoing basis to adjust priorities and enable partners to hold one another to account for delivering their ambitions.
You can access the locality Pen Profiles here
BCUHB Cluster Population Health Directory
The North Wales Population Health Directory (NWPHD) focuses on the public health priorities and provides information on population health need at different geographical levels (including at Cluster level) to NHS staff for planning purposes.