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3. Data and Digital Technology




The Welsh Government  A Healthier Wales plan for health and social care identified data as a key enabler of transformational change to support new models of care; Ensuring access to relevant, meaningful, accurate and complete information to support the delivery of safe, effective and timely primary and community care services is at the core of this workstream.


As an enabler the workstream sets out to address and support data, digital or technological requirements that may arise from associated programmes of work within the scope of primary and community care, working with partners to develop solutions. The workstream has three main functions:

  • Awareness

Act as a peer/stakeholder reference group to sense check and provide formal or informal feedback regarding projects; noting alignment and connections to related work 

  • Influence

Actively engage with projects and provide advice to influence the development of products, suggesting alignments, and making connections with related work.

  • Involvement

Receive proposals for new projects and become actively involved or collaborate in the project management and delivery of the work.


The workstream membership is comprised of representatives from key areas of primary and community care, subject matter experts, and national stakeholders. If you would like further information on the current membership, please email

Quick links to Project Plans

The Plan on a Page for each of the current projects in this workstream can be viewed below. 

PCC Escalation Reporting & Communication Tools  

Healthy Days at Home Wales Implementation & Evaluation 

Primary Care Metrics 

Demand and Capacity Tool for Primary Care 

Summary of Projects

Each project undertaken by the workstream is endorsed by the workstream group, approved by the Strategic Programme Board, then ratified by the National Primary Care Board. The current projects under development are noted below. If you would like further information on the current Terms of Reference for the workstream, please email The current projects under development are summarised below.

The Escalation Framework will support the reporting of system pressures for primary and community care. This information will feed into local Health Board safety huddles and the daily joint Welsh Government / NHS Wales safety huddle. The measurement of whole system pressures across health and care services in Wales will be possible and the profile of primary and community services and their influence on the whole system will be highlighted. The project is now working on refining and developing PCC Escalation Reporting & Communication Tools to reflect the Escalation Framework and through appropriate communication and engagement with services to ensure these processes are embedded as Business as Usual.  

The Healthy Days at Home Wales project is intended to create a suite of population-based quality measures, each providing a way to measure health and care systems across Wales that can be adapted to reflect local priorities. The project will deliver a national dashboard and support delivery of local Health Board dashboards. This project takes a ‘good enough’ approach as the dashboards are intended to be built upon with each new iteration.  The Healthy Days at Home Wales Implementation & Evaluation phases will support the roll out of the local Health Board dashboards and work to promote the application of the suite of measures. An evaluation and final report on the development of the Healthy Days at Home Wales will also be delivered.  

The Primary Care Metrics project is intended to deliver a dashboard of minimum data sets, as identified through stakeholder engagement, to provide primary care information, that has face validity, is easily extractable, and currently available. This will be presented in an all Wales format for use in standardised messaging, for example, with the Health Minister, IQPDs and other key stakeholders. This project takes a ‘good enough’ approach as the dashboard is intended to be built upon with each new iteration.  

The Demand and Capacity Tool for Primary Care project is intended to consolidate already available, disparate datasets into one application that is accessible by relevant stakeholders to deliver a systematic approach to workforce design, planning and organisational change across clusters to transform the primary care workforce. This project will focus on general medical services (GMS) however alignment with similar demand and capacity projects underway in relation to other primary and community care workforce groups will be established.   


Information about the products delivered by the Strategic Programme workstreams can be viewed as a continuous list or via workstream and year of achievement for ease of navigation. Please click the link below to access the library. 

Library of products - Primary Care One (


If you would like more information about this workstream or any of the associated work being delivered, please submit your query on the Contact us page. 


 Page last updated June 2024