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All Wales Abnormal Liver Blood Tests Pathway

The All Wales Abnormal Liver Blood Tests Pathway provides a national approach for the early identification of liver disease, often masked by only mildly abnormal liver blood tests.

The pathway provides healthcare professionals in primary care settings across Wales with an efficient pathway for the management of abnormal liver blood tests, with a standardised mechanism for referral to secondary care to support patients at risk of serious liver disease and other chronic conditions.

The purpose of this guideline is to ensure patients are assessed for their risk of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, and those who need to be seen by a specialist doctor will do so in an appropriate timeframe. In the community, every patient is provided with healthy lifestyle advice, weight and alcohol management and community support to reduce risk of developing liver disease.

The All Wales pathway is supported by a programme of TV shows, tutorials, case based assessment and certificate and additional resources, delivered by hepatology experts from across Wales.

Hear more about the guideline from Dr Andrew Yeoman, National Clinical Lead for the Liver Disease Implementation Group and Consultant Hepatologist:

ICST host and manage the All Wales Abnormal Liver Blood Tests Pathway, as well as a wide selection of other pathways and guidelines, within the All Wales ICST Platform which is freely accessible to healthcare professionals across Wales.

To directly access the guideline, sign in to the All Wales ICST Platform and visit: