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Who's involved?







Work of the Strategic Programme is coordinated by a Strategic Programme Board and is supported by a national Programme Management Office (PMO).

The National Strategic Programme Team is made up of the following members:

Members of the Strategic Programme Board include:

  • Alan Lawrie - National Professional Advisor for Primary and Community Care (SPPC)
  • Alastair Roeves – National Clinical Lead for Primary and Community Care (SPPC)
  • Brian Owens - Director of Primary & Community Care (SBUHB)
  • Chiquita Cusens - National Lead Nurse for Primary and Community Care (SPPC)
  • David Miller – Representing AMDs in Primary Care (CTMUHB)
  • Jayne Lawrence - Director of Primary & Community Care (PTHB)
  • Jill Paterson - Director of Primary & Community Care (HDUHB)
  • Julie Denley - Director of Primary & Community Care (CTMUHB)
  • Karen Higgins - Director of Primary & Community Care (BCUHB)
  • Karl Bishop – Representing Dental Directors (SBUHB)
  • Kerrie Phipps – National AHP Lead for Primary and Community Care (SPPC)
  • Lisa Dunsford – Director Of Operations and Delivery (C&VUHB)
  • Lloyd Hambridge - Director of Primary & Community Care (ABUHB)
  • Paul Casey - Deputy Director for Primary and Community Care, Welsh Government
  • Pete Hopgood - Director of Primary & Community Care (PTHB)
  • Raylene Roper – Senior Programme Manager (SPPC)
  • Richard Bowen - National Programme Director, 6 Goals for Urgent & Emergency Care, NHS 111 Wales
  • Sue Morgan – National Director and Strategic Programme Lead for Primary and Community Care (SPPC) - Chair
  • Zoe Wallace – Programme Director, SPPC / Director of Primary Care, PHW
  • Secretariat: provided by PMO (SPPC)