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6. Transformation and the Vision for Clusters



As the transformation programme develops (in line with ‘A Healthier Wales’ recommendations), it is important that any learning is shared quickly across primary care and further informs the vision for clusters. Of specific note, will be any plans to accelerate the implementation of the full primary care model at cluster and regional level. Key links will be made with the national Transformation Programme and local transformation programmes.


The work stream sets out to address and support

  • The understanding of challenges and barriers that clusters experience and identify solutions at both a national and local level.
  • Work with other national programmes to ensure seamless working.
  • Work with external stakeholders to develop the place-based care approach.
  • Alignment with relevant work as set out in A Healthier Wales.


The workstream membership is comprised of representatives from key areas of primary and community care, subject matter experts, and national stakeholders. If you would like further information on the membership, please email


Each project undertaken by the workstream is endorsed by the workstream group, approved by the Strategic Programme Board then ratified by the NPCB. Associated workforce & OD activity that may impact on primary or community care is also invited to present to the workstream to support alignment and collaboration.  The current projects under development are noted below. If you would like further information on the current Terms of Reference for the workstream, please email

The Accelerated Cluster Development  programme of work was initiated to develop a model to split the delivery function and planning function of  clusters. The Programme also aims to support inclusion of all four contractor professions through the creation of Professional Collaboratives and Pan Cluster Planning Groups, and to support alignment between Cluster, Regional Partnership Board, and Health Board IMTPs (Integrated Medium Term Plans).

The Green Health project was initiated to deliver a framework to support all primary care contractors, based on a cluster footprint, to work towards a greener primary care approach across Wales and encourage the application of schemes to combat the climate emergency and contribute to the target of moving to a carbon neutral primary care in Wales by 2030.

Health Boards are individually responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of all services they deliver directly, and also for monitoring the services they contract from independent contractors. The Clinical Governance, Quality & Safety in Primary Care  programme of work was initiated to deliver the key actions to support Health Boards in meeting these responsibilities as contained in the 2021 report ‘A Rapid Review of Clinical Governance, Quality & Safety in Primary Care in Wales’.

The Governance Practice Self-Assessment Tool (CGPSAT) project builds upon the rapid review of CGPSAT conducted in 2022. The project will update and streamline the existing practice self-assessment tool to reflect the revised Health and Care Quality Standards 2023. The governance of the tool and the platform it is maintained within will also be updated along with the user support features, resulting in completion of submissions, navigation of the questions, and evaluation of the content being more effective.  


Information about the products delivered by the Strategic Programme workstreams can be viewed as a continuous list or via workstream and year of achievement for ease of navigation. Please click the link below to access the library. 

Library of products - Primary Care One ( 


If you would like more information about this workstream or any of the associated work being delivered, please submit your query on the Contact us page. 


Page last updated November 2023