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North West Flintshire


Cluster Lead Dr Bisola Ekwueme

General Practices in North West Flintshire - There are seven practices which operate in the North West Flintshire Cluster area. 

Allt Goch Medical Centre 
Bodowen Surgery 
Eyton Place Surgery 
Panton Surgery 
Pendre Surgery (Holywell) 
Pennant Surgery 
Flint Health Wellbeing Centre (The Laurals) 

BCUHB Cluster Population Health Directory - The North Wales Population Health Directory (NWPHD) focuses on the public health priorities and provides information on population health need at different geographical levels (including at North West Flintshire Cluster level) to NHS staff for planning purposes. The directory is on the Public Health Wales website. 

Individual Cluster Plans and Reports

North West Flintshire Cluster IMTP 2020-2023

What are we working on?

Continuation of Diabetes specialist support service
Mental Health Practitioner
Pharmacist to manage Chronic non-cancer pain patients that take above maximum recommended doses of opioids
Pharmacist to undertake medication review monitoring high risk medication
Develop a Care Home visiting Programme

  What we have already done

Already undertaken first year of pharmacist service now in second year
Mental health services in the cluster
Implemented diabetes specialist support service

Future Priorities for the Cluster

Continue to develop a range of mental health services
Continue with pharmacist support
Implement a care home visiting programme
Develop relationships with collaborative leads

Updated 30/10/2024