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Vulnerable and marginalised groups

This sub-page is part of the Cluster Planning Support Portal  (CPSP)


In A healthier Wales: our plan for health and social care, Welsh Government commits to an ambition for everyone in Wales to have long, healthy and happy lives:

For this to happen we need to help people look after themselves well, and we need to make sure we have the right health and social care services to help people stay well, to get better when they are ill, or to live the best life possible when they have problems that won’t get better (AHW; WG 2018)

However, we know that there will always be groups that are more at risk from factors associated with poor health and may struggle to access care and support. It is well recognised that certain groups are systematically disadvantaged throughout their lives that this has a direct impact on health outcomes. Public services have a responsibility to protect those most at risk as inequalities can be exacerbated if the barriers to care that affect the most vulnerable are not addressed.

Identifying needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups