There are four practices which operate in the Wrexham West and North Cluster area
Bryn Darland Surgery
Caritas Health Partnership (Cefn Mawr / Coedpoeth)
Pen Y Maes Health Centre
The Health Centre (Gresford) (Alyn Family Doctors)
BCUHB Cluster Population Health Directory - The North Wales Population Health Directory (NWPHD) focuses on the public health priorities and provides information on population health need at different geographical levels (including at Wrexham North West Cluster level) to NHS staff for planning purposes. The directory is on the Public Health Wales website.
North West Wrexham Cluster IMTP 2020-2023
Continue to provide Home Visiting Service
Asset mapping - Cluster Lead has been meeting with each practice individually to agree how they can assist with the priorities of the cluster. This has led to a new action plan for the cluster-in development.
Led work with Shared Services Partnership and Contracting colleagues to contract for a new Tier 0/1 Mental Health Service.
Active involvement in the development of the Wrexham wide signposting project.
Implementation of a healthy lifestyle education programme for patients identified at risk of type 2 diabetes.
Worked with Wrexham County Borough Council to deliver Six Steps training to care home staff within the cluster to support residents stay at home as part of their care towards end of life.
Out of Hours Flu Clinics
Cluster Physiotherapist
Develop relationships with Collaborative Leads
Home Visiting Service
Care Home Service
Education and Training
Social Prescribing and Signposting
Dermatology Project
Women's Health Clinic
Allied health professionals working in the cluster
Diabetes Service
Antibiotic Prescribing
Cluster sustainability
Assets and Estates Planning
Collaboration and development of the cluster
Updated 30/10/2024