Meirionnydd Primary Care Cluster has a total registered population of around 32,000. There are six practices which operate in the Meirionnydd Cluster area
Canolfan Iechyd Bala
Minfor Barmouth
Health Services Centre, Blaenau Ffestiniog
Caerffynnon, Dolgellau
Bron Meirion, Penrhyndeudraeth
Health Centre, Pier Road, Tywyn
BCUHB Cluster Population Health Directory - The North Wales Population Health Directory (NWPHD) focuses on the public health priorities and provides information on population health need at different geographical levels (including at Meirionnydd Cluster level) to NHS staff for planning purposes. The directory is on the Public Health Wales website. The specific page for Meirionnydd Cluster
Meirionnydd Cluster IMTP 2020-2023
To ensure that the care of diabetes in the cluster with all practices being able to initiate insulin treatment and with objective improvements in all objective indicators of diabetic care.
Implementation of BCUHB smoking cessation pathway in all Practices
To reduce and audit antibiotic prescribing within each practice ensuring practices have up to date tools to ensure patients are adequately cared for and educated on antibiotic usage.
Updated 30/10/2024