To provide a high-level overview of how the programme works, the basic operational
framework follows:
1. Local initiatives and potential solutions to continuously improve primary care services on a once for Wales basis are identified for inclusion within the programme.
2. The initiatives and potential solutions are scoped, and worked-up into project 'deliverables’. All activity is then coordinated and quality controlled via six separate work stream groups (each led by a Director of Primary & Community Care and subject expert co-chair)
3. Where appropriate, resources/outputs from the work streams are worked up by the All-Wales Heads of Primary Care and are subject to review by the National Primary and Community Care Reference Group.
4. On a monthly basis, the All-Wales Strategic Programme Board meet to review progress, quality manage and to approve the resources/outputs from the work streams.
5. For overall quality assurance and oversight, the National Primary Care Board receives quarterly programme highlight reports and helps to manage any programme risks.
It is important to note that everything within the Programme relies on:
championing and ‘scaling up’ of proven local primary care initiatives and products across Wales.
a strong foundation of SMART deliverables; and
joining up of existing (national) programmes of work Some work streams will produce their own deliverables and products, whereas others may be provided via external organisation programmes of work (e.g. Health Education & Improvement Wales and Public Health Wales). Welsh Government is working closely with the programme to ensure alignment of vision, rovide expert advice (from a policy perspective) and seeks to identify efficiencies with processes to the benefit of stakeholders. For example:
Welsh Government Ministerial milestones (delivery targets) are aligned to each of the six work streams with mapped ways to review and test new and emerging milestones and the evidence to support these. Alignment is not designed to create additional milestones, but to simplify reporting mechanisms of health board achievement. All outputs from the programme are designed as good practice resources to develop and improve the provision of primary care services across Wales. If outputs are not adopted, there is an expectation to justify non-take up.