The All Wales Primary and Community Care AHP Leadership Group is chaired by the National AHP Lead for Primary and Community Care and exists to support collaborative, dynamic, cohesive, respected and high level leadership for the AHP professions in Wales.
The overall purpose of the group is to inform Primary and Community Care improvements that matter to citizens, the professions, NHS Wales and the wider health and social care system.
The function of the group is to provide a forum for high-level AHP Leaders working across Primary and Community Care Services, where they are able to share best practice, consider issues and proposed developments and influence the AHP element of the Strategic Programme for Primary Care (SPPC).
The key objectives of the group will be:
- To identify opportunities for improving care provided to people within their services by sharing good practice across Wales with other high-level AHP Leaders and the National AHP Lead for Primary and Community Care
- To provide high-level AHP advice and guidance to the National AHP Lead for the Strategic Programme for Primary Care (SPPC), highlighting issues requiring attention on a national basis.
- To offer the National AHP Lead a forum where elements of the SPPC AHP work programme can be discussed confidentially, for a high-level AHP leadership view and where high-level AHP leaders can influence the work of the SPPC.
- To offer support, constructive challenge and opportunities for group members to discuss work concerns/issues or initiatives and problem solve in a safe environment
The All Wales Primary and Community Care AHP Leadership Group has representatives from a range of high-level Leaders who will have existing lines of accountability both professionally and operationally.
The intention of the All Wales Primary and Community Care AHP Leadership Group is not to duplicate the work carried out by these existing lines, but to provide a forum for high-level AHP Leaders to inform Primary and Community Care transformation to achieve the Primary Care Model for Wales.
As such, representatives present at the All Wales Primary and Community Care AHP Leadership Group are encouraged to recommend where work may need to ‘owned, partnered or be championed’ or be developed further.
The National AHP Lead for Primary and Community Care is accountable to the SPPC, which in turn reports to the SPPC Programme Board and up to National Primary Care Board.
Membership is extended to:
- Executive Directors of Therapies & Health Science
- Deputy and Assistant Directors of Therapies & Health Science
- Clinical Directors of Therapies & Health Science
- National AHP Leads
- Consultant AHPs
- Chairs of All Wales AHP Professional Networks
- AHP Policy Leads
- AHP Healthcare Profession Forum Representatives
- AHP Transformation Leads
In addition, representatives will be invited from the:
- Chief AHP Office
- Strategic Programme for Primary Care
- Other relevant bodies at the request of the Group
The membership can be updated as the group matures and the group reserves the right to co-opt in relevant colleagues as determined by areas of exploration and development.
Members of the group are responsible for:
- Providing support and advice to the National AHP Lead for Primary and Community Care.
- Ensuring areas for development identified are aligned with the SPPC, Health Board Regions and Chief AHP Officers priorities and objectives.
- Identifying good practice locally, sharing expertise and working across organisational boundaries to identify areas of development, which support safe, effective and timely care, opportunities for innovation, research and integrated working.
- Preparing and presenting the voice (and perspective) of the whole system within the organisation / profession / group they represent.
- Ensuring relevant information is communicated back to their organisation / profession / group in a timely manner.
- Making every effort to attend all meetings. One nominated deputy, with delegated authority can be identified as required.
If you wish to learn more about this group or discuss becoming a member, please contact the National AHP Lead for Primary and Community Care via