The role of National Director & Strategic Programme Lead for Primary Care in Wales works as a bridge between Welsh Government and the NHS. The focus of the role is to drive the implementation of the Primary Care Model for Wales through the development and implementation of the Strategic Programme for Primary Care.
Sue has 25 years of NHS management experience that includes operational management, service planning, commissioning and programme management across a number of different NHS organisations in Wales. Before moving to her current role, Sue was Director of Operations for Primary and Community Care Services in Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, which saw the challenges of GMS sustainability alongside the drive to transform whole system care to be delivered as close of home as possible. Prior to that Sue headed up Women and Children Services which, in addition to general management of those services, also included the planning and commissioning of the Children’s Hospital for Wales. Both roles involved working across organisations at a regional and national level and with other partners such as professional bodies, Local Authorities, the Independent Sector and the Third Sector. Sue’s early career was in operational management in secondary care and NHS service planning.