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2. 24/7 Model


There is a recognition that primary and community care services across Wales vary depending on the time of day and location.  This work stream looks to ensure that as far as possible, the primary care offer is consistent on a 24/7 and geographic basis.


The workstream sets out to address 24/7 wraparound and Community Infrastructure requirements that may arise from associated programmes of work within the scope of primary and community care, working with partners to develop solutions.


The workstream membership is comprised of representatives from key areas of primary and community care, subject matter experts, plus associated national stakeholders. If you would like further information on the current membership, please email


Each project undertaken by the workstream is endorsed by the workstream group, approved by the Strategic Programme Board, then ratified by the National Primary Care Board. The current projects under development are noted below.  If you would like further information on the current Terms of Reference for the workstream, please email

The UPCC Programme  of work focused on the development of a number of urgent primary care models piloted to meet the increasing demand for urgent primary care services. UPCC Phase 3 is designed to build on the foundations of the UPCC Pathfinder (Phase 1) and the Implementation Stage (Phase 2). The focus is on standardising the future local and national offer, develop a UPCC national framework of principles/ components, and development of a performance reporting framework to support the move into business as usual status for UPCC.  

The aim of the National Community Nursing Vision & Framework is to support organisations to achieve joined up, outcome focused, and evidence-based community nursing services. The Community Nursing Vision & Framework will include a nationally agreed Vision for Community Nursing, a National Framework which outlines the ambitions of Community Nursing, an action plan outlining how Community Nursing will achieve this ambition and a set of agreed outcome measures to demonstrate successful achievement of the framework.

The Demand & Capacity Modelling Tool intends to deliver Demand and Capacity Models that support organisations to understand the required skill mix needed to meet their populations needs when developing multi-professional based models of care in Primary Care and Community: Phase 1 will focus on an overarching broader model that can provide insight to a wide range of services accounting for variation in services and data availability across Wales.

The District Nurse Dashboard project will investigate and develop a national dashboard using scheduling and visit data for DN services across Wales. The dashboard will include key metrics agreed by the DN services, iterative development will be used to expand the key metrics included in the dashboard. It will also utilise the Welsh Level of Care (WLOC) data that has recently been implemented across all HB’s and provide a national overarching picture of patient acuity into the metrics and dashboard.

The Enhanced Community Care project aims to deliver a nationally agreed definition of a ‘Virtual Ward’, collaborate with stakeholders to capture the activity and outcomes of virtual wards, and develop core standards of practice with underpinning quality statements along with outcome measures with data standards to demonstrate successful achievement of the model value and impact

The Multi-Professional Framework project intends to support organisations to deliver joined up, outcome focused, evidence-based community services, through a place-based multi-professional working model of care. This will be achieved by defining what is meant by multi-professional working, developing standards of practice with underpinning quality statements along with outcome measures with data standards.

The Primary & Community HD@H project will seek to develop an approach to measure the value of the work undertaken by Primary & Community, services and professionals working across health, social care, independent, third sector and voluntary sectors; working as a part of a wider multi-professional team but also as individuals to help to provide care and support closer to home.


Information about the products delivered by the Strategic Programme workstreams can be viewed as a continuous list or via workstream and year of achievement for ease of navigation. Please click the link below to access the library.

Library of products - Primary Care One (


If you would like more information about this workstream or any of the associated work being delivered, please submit your query on the Contact us page.


Page last updated October 2023