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Bridgend East

Cluster Lead:  Dr Ian O'Connor

GP Practices in Bridgend East 
The Bridgend East Network is one of three community network areas in Bridgend. There are five practices which operate in the Bridgend East cluster area.

The New Surgery (Pencoed) 
Bridgend Group Practice  
Oaktree Surgery 
Riversdale House 
The Medical Centre Pencoed 

The Bridgend East Cluster Network includes a cluster of five GP practices, five of which are training practices. The cluster network estate includes six main surgeries and one branch. There are 13 community pharmacies, 14 dental practices, six residential homes and three nursing homes.   We serve a population of 70,464 in a predominantly urban environment. The particular features of our population are in line with Welsh average. Patient numbers are rising due to our location around the M4 corridor with an increasing ageing population. There is an increasing multicultural population and deprivation is greater than the Welsh average and the cluster is experiencing increasing social needs. Overall the prevalence for chronic disease is slightly lower than other areas in Bridgend. All Wales Social Enterprise Health & Wellbeing Toolkit for General Medical Practitioners 

Individual Cluster Plans and Reports

Bridgend East Cluster Plan 2018-2021  
Bridgend East Cluster Network Action Plan 2017/20  

What are we working on?

Bridgend East Cluster Plan 2018-2021  

What we have already done

The cluster network achieved a number of other objectives during 2015/16 including:

Delivering a vasectomy services on behalf of the cluster for the population of Abertawe Bro Morgannwg

Improved immunisation coverage of the housebound through District Nursing Service

Improved access to mental health and wellbeing services through the provision of a local Tier 1 Mental Health counselling service.

Better understanding of the needs of the population, through piloting the SNAP 11 Project Friends and Family Test.

Increased access and signposting to support self-care and independence through third sector champions and the development of a new website designed to empower patients to be better informed about health issues before they see their GP.

   Future Priorities of the Cluster 

Bridgend East Cluster Plan 2018-2021  


Cluster lead update 13/09/2021