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Workforce case studies

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) -

The delivery of health and social care to the population of Wales is completely dependent on our workforce (Workforce strategy A Healthier Wales HEIW)

In October 2020 HEIW launched an ambitious NHS and Social Care Workforce Strategy with 7 key themes:

  • An engaged, motivated and Healthy Workforce
  • Attraction and Recruitment
  • Seamless Workforce Models
  • Building a Digitally Ready Workforce
  • Excellent Education and Learning
  • Leadership and Succession
  • Workforce Supply and Shape

These themes underpin every aspect of developing and retaining a skilled and motivated workforce in NHS Wales.

HEIW feeds into the work of the Dental Reform Programme as a whole.

Strategic Workforce Plan for Primary Care

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) are working in partnership with the Strategic Programme for Primary Care to develop a Strategic Workforce Plan for Primary Care.

Early engagement with key stakeholders has taken place and there is a clear consensus that a Strategic Workforce Plan for Primary Care is needed. 

There are numerous key factors driving the need for a Strategic Workforce Plan in particular significant workforce challenges impacting on the sustainability of primary care services.  This plan will consider the shape and size of the workforce needed to meet population health and to address supply-side issues for the future.

HEIW’s aim for this plan is to:

  • Understand current demand drivers and identify key factors shaping demand for the next 10 years
  • Understand technological advances and fast approaching changes in healthcare delivery and the impact that these may have on the delivery of primary care
  • Identify challenges and key supply-side issues across professional groups and areas of Wales to create a framework for future supply pipelines  
  • Present recommendations to support the development of a sustainable workforce model to take forward the delivery of the Primary Care Model for Wales
  • Recognise the delivery of the broad range of services aligned with primary care, including community services and how any changes to primary care workforce models will impact these
  • Provide a clear framework for local, regional, and national action to underpin future decisions on education and training commissioning over a 10 year period up to 2035.

The plan will focus on  the core multi-professional team set within the context of the development of the Primary Care Model for Wales (PCMW) and identifying the workforce needed to deliver effective services within a cluster footprint.  The plan will seek to identify the short, medium and long term actions required to ensure the delivery of a sustainable workforce model.

HEIW’s aim is to develop the plan by November 2023 so that it influences the development of Cluster-level and Health Board Integrated Medium Term Plan (IMTP) for 2024/25.

HEIW will be engaging extensively on the plan during the next year linking with clusters, Professional Collaboratives, independent contractors, Health Boards, professional bodies and a broad range of stakeholders.

More information on the progress of this plan will be available soon, however you can contact HEIW via a dedicated email address

HEIW: Primary-care - HEIW (



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